Sleep disorders, often known as sleep-wake disorders, are issues with the kind, quantity, and timing of sleep that cause discomfort throughout the day and functional impairment. Sleep-wake difficulties frequently co-occur with physical ailments or other mental health issues, such anxiety, depression, or cognitive impairments. Sleep-wake problems come in a variety of forms, with insomnia being the most prevalent. Obstructive sleep apnea, parasomnias, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome are among other sleep-wake disorders. Physical and emotional issues are related to sleep disorders. In addition to being a cause of or an aggravation of mental health issues, sleep issues can also be a sign of other mental health issues. Adults report insomnia symptoms in around a third of cases, and 6 to 10 percent of those people have insomnia disorder. Your brain needs sleep to work correctly. Numerous negative effects may result from inadequate sleep or sleep of low quality. The main issues include tiredness, low energy, irritation, and difficulty concentration. Your emotions and decision-making capacity may both be impacted. Sleep issues frequently coincide with depressive or anxious symptoms. In addition to sadness or anxiety, sleep issues can also be caused by these conditions.
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