Conditions known as sleep disorders impact the quantity, quality, and timing of your nighttime sleep. Insomnia, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, and sleep apnea are examples of common sleep disorders. Both your physical and mental health may be impacted by sleep disturbances. You can receive treatment to help you obtain the rest you require. Everyone requires slumber. It's a crucial component of how our bodies work. You may require more or less sleep than others, but seven to nine hours a night is what experts advise for people. Age-specific differences in the ideal sleep duration mean that children and teenagers may require more sleep than adults. Depending on the kind, typical sleep disorders can have a variety of symptoms, such as: inability to consistently fall asleep or taking longer than thirty minutes. You have difficulty falling asleep at night or you frequently wake up in the middle of the night and find it difficult to get back to sleep. Gasping, snoring, or choking occur as you sleep. having the want to move after relaxing. This sensation subsides with movement.
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